(304) 22.12.17
"The condition of religious knowledge of jewish like dwarfish moulvies from Jaamia Ahmadiyya graveyard."
(303) 15.12.17
"Strong resemblance between Mahmoodi Ahmadies & Aarians concerning compulsion in religion."
(302) 08.12.17
"Extreme helplessness of the world of Islam against his opponents."
(301) 01.12.17
"The real Eid Meelad u Nabi (saw) is the victory & superiority of Islam."
(300) 24.11.17
"There is no right of freedom of expression for Ahmadies in Jamaat´e Ahmaidiyya Mehmood"
(299) 17.11.17
"Have Ahmadies a right of freedom of expression Jamaat´e Ahmadiyya Mehmood"
(298) 10.11.17
"There are always secrets in Prophets prophecies as a trial for an ummah."
(297) 03.11.17
"The reality of the verses of Hadhrat Mirza Sahib(as) about his children."
(296) 28.10.17
"The capture of Muslih Mauood & Kashmir are alike."
(295) 20.10.17
"In case of two claimants the claim of first claimant should be first scrutinized."
(294) 13.10.17
"You should not poison the person who dies of sugar. "
(293) 06.10.17
"Talk about the prophecy of Musleh Maoud instead of attacking innocent women."
(292) 29.09.17
"A few explanations regarding the offer of Mubahila."
(291) 22.09.17
"A true Messenger has not any fear to depose on oath in favour of his truth."
(290) 15.09.17
"An open offer of Mubahila to fake Khalifa Mirza Masroor Ahmed Sahib for the final decision."
(289) 08.09.17
"A true Messenger has no fear of death."
(288) 02.09.17
Eid-ul-Adha Sermon,
""The sacrifice of Haleem Ghulam of H Ibrahim(as)first has been made forever memorable in the history of human beings.""
(287) 01.09.17
""A true Messenger is given a sign of success and victory.(part 3)" "
(286) 25.08.17
""A true Messenger is given a sign of success and victory.(part 2)""
(285) 18.08.17
"A true Messenger is given a sign of success and victory."
(284) 11.08.17
"Messengers are being given a sign of supermacy in the field of arguments."
(283) 04.08.17
"Those appointed by Allah get miraculous signs"
(282) 28.07.17
"For a claimant to live 23 years after his claim, is a sound argument for his truthfulness."
(281) 21.07.17
"A Messenger is a center of hope & confidence for his family and nation before his claim."
(280) 14.07.17
"Only a true Messenger remains always victorious with arguments & proofs."
(279) 07.07.17
"Before his appointment the life of a Messenger is virtous & spotless."
(278) 30.06.17
"Evil & mischief are the reasons for the appointment of a Messenger."
(277) 26.06.17
Eid-ul-Fitr Sermon,
"Eid of appointment of promised Zaki Ghulam-e-Massihuzzaman(promised reformer)."
(276) 23.06.17
"Month of Ramdhan -- is a spring Blessings & good fortune."
(275) 16.06.17
"The month of Ramadhan--the excellence & inspiration of the Holy Quran"
(274) 09.06.17
"Specially in the month of Ramadhan prayers are accepted."
(273) 02.06.17
"Blessings of Ramadhan & issues of fast."
(272) 26.05.17
"A true Messenger of Allah does not fear anyone besides Allah"
(271) 19.05.17
"True Messengers verify revelations, which were revealed before him."
(270) 12.05.17
"A few people accept the Messengers of God."
(269) 05.05.17
"There is always mockery and taunt with the Messengers of God."
(268) 21.04.17
"O Ahmadi brothers--Lets come and make 2017, the year of union and unanimity of Jamaat Ahmadiyya."
(267) 14.04.17
"What was the wisdom to prophecy with the name of Massih Isa e Maryam in Ummat e Mohammadiya."
(266) 07.04.17
"There are three parts of the argument of the claim of Promised Zaki Ghulam e Massihhuzaman."
(265) 31.03.17
"Explanation of the statement of Anhazrat(sas) "None is Mahdi besides Isa bin Maryam.""
(264) 24.03.17
"Reality of the statement of Anhazrat(peace be upon him)"He will marry and he will have children""
(263) 17.03.17
"Explanation of the statement of Anhazrat (pbuh): He will marry and he will have children "
(262) 10.03.17
"Ghulam e Masihuzzaman is calling the Khalifa and Moulvies of Jamaate Qabaristan to the sunna and conduct of Hadhrat Mirza Sahib (as)."
(261) 03.03.17
"Must two persons descend as Massh Isa Ibne Maryam in Ummat-e-Mohammadiya?"
(260) 10.02.17
"A miraculous birth of a boy."
(259) 03.02.17
"Answers of a few questions of Khalid Wasti badger no one of Mahmoodi graveyard."
(258) 27.01.17
"Resemblance between the false claim of Khalifa Sani and the cow of Bani Israel."
(257) 20.01.17
"A new trick of Khalid Wasti a badger of Mahmnoodi graveyard."
(256) 13.01.17
"Divine intentions behind the good of Attiyatul Mujeeb."
(255) 06.01.17
"Reality of superiority & supermacy of Islam."