• ہوم
  • نئےقارٔین کیلئے
  • پیغام
  • کتب
  • خطوط
  • مضامین
  • خبریں
  • ر۱بطہ
  • اِقرأ
  • نصاب
  • تبليغ
  • ہمارے عقائد
  • رُستگاری فنڈ
  • عمومی تقاریر
  • جلسہ سالانہ‎‎
  • خطبات جمعہ
  • دیگرمعلوماتی ویب سائٹس
  • جماعت احمدیہ اِصلاح پسند
  • آزادی سب کیلئے
  • پیشگوئی مصلح موعود
  • مفت کتب کیلئے آرڈر

(158) 25.06.24
mp3 Video
"Victory and dominance is achieved through argument. Not with excess of numbers or legions."
(157) 27.05.24
mp3 Video
"The wisdom behind not marrying Ahmadi women to Non-Ahmadi men."
(156) 01.05.24
mp3 Video
"A few questions and requests for the Qadiani Moulvies about the programme "
(155) 24.04.24
mp3 Video
"A few questions and requests for the Qadiani Moulvies about the programme "Millat ka Fidai" (Part 5)."
(154) 28.03.24
mp3 Video
"A few questions and requests for the Qadiani Moulvies about the programme "Millat ka Fidai" (Part 4)."
(153) 20.03.24
mp3 Video
"A few questions and requests for the Qadiani Moulvies about the programme "Millat ka Fidai" (Part 3)."
(152) 10.03.24
mp3 Video
"A few questions and requests for the Qadiani Moulvies about the programme "Millat ka Fidai" (Part 2)."
(151) 28.02.24
mp3 Video
"A few questions and requests for the Qadiani Moulvies about the programme "Millat ka Fidai" (Part 1)."
(150) 22.01.24
mp3 Video
"The false statements and deception of Maulvi Jariullah Sahib about Abdul Ghaffar Janbah (Part 3)."
(149) 16.01.24
mp3 Video
"The false statements and deception of Maulvi Jariullah Sahib about Abdul Ghaffar Janbah (Part 2)."
(148) 15.01.24
mp3 Video
"The false statements and deception of Maulvi Jariullah Sahib about Abdul Ghaffar Janbah (Part 1)."
(147) 27.12.23
mp3 Video
"Explanation of the main signs for the symbol of mercy or promised Zaki Ghulam (Musleh Maoud). Part 4 "
(146) 14.12.23
mp3 Video
"Explanation of the main signs for the symbol of mercy or promised Zaki Ghulam (Musleh Maoud). Part 3"
(145) 03.12.23
mp3 Video
"Explanation of the main signs for the symbol of mercy or promised Zaki Ghulam (Musleh Maoud). Part 2"
(144) 23.09.23
mp3 Video
"Explanation of the main signs for the symbol of mercy or promised Zaki Ghulam (Musleh Maoud)."
(143) 19.09.23
mp3 Video
"Balaiy Qadian has deceived the common Ahmadi with a persian idiom i.e "
(142) 30.08.23
mp3 Video
"The attack on Hadithe Mujaddadiyat by the calamity of the Qadiyan also known as fake Khalifs."
(141) 19.08.23
mp3 Video
"Believe in prophecies, but only Allah knows the way how the prophecy will be fulfilled."
(140) 27.07.23
mp3 Video
(139) 26.06.23
mp3 Video
(138) 15.05.23
mp3 Video
"Is the “Balay Qadiyan (Fake Khalifa)” moving forward with the Noor of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as)?"
(137) 09.05.23
mp3 Video
"Three persons in Jamaat Ahmadiyya who are the fruit of prayers."
(136) 25.03.23
mp3 Video
"Difference between biological and spritual offspring and deeds of the biological offspring of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as)."
(135) 20.03.23
mp3 Video
"Allah has not blessed Muhammadi Maryam Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) the sign of mercy, i. e. promised Zaki Ghulam Masih al-Zaman the or Promised Reformer as a physical boy."
(134) 02.11.22
mp3 Video
"Did the revelations to Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) regarding Musleh Maoud continue after the birth of Mirza Bashiruddin Ahmad? Absolutely yes. "
(133) 11.05.22
mp3 Video
"Imam Mahdi and Masih Isa Ibne Maryam are two separate beings appearing and descending in Ummat-e-Mohammadiya."
(132) 05.03.22
mp3 Video
"In the Ummat e Mohammadi, the promised Mohammadi Missih Isa Ibne Maryam has been cruelled and oppressed three times."
(131) 02.03.22
mp3 Video
"Instead of being promised Zaki Ghulam (Promised Reformer) Mirza Bashir u Deen Mahmood Ahmad was only like Mirza Bashir Ahmad (First)."
(130) 23.01.22
mp3 Video
"The purpose of Hadhrat Mohammad´s (saw) appointment was to defeat false religions with Islam."
(129) 17.02.22
mp3 Video
"Did Hakamo Adal Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) present his prophecies and revelations as a proof for being the promised Messiah? Indeed not."
(128) 01.10.21
mp3 Video
"A supplement of lecture 127 concerning the "
(127) 28.09.21
mp3 Video
"Properties of Virtue"
(126) 24.09.21
mp3 Video
"The Essence of Virtue"
(125) 20.09.21
mp3 Video
(124) 18.09.21
mp3 Video
""Chap-1"The Essence of Virtue"--Virtue and Phenomenon part-3"(There is no truth in the conservation of matter and energy)"
(123) 14.09.21
mp3 Video
"Chap-1-The Essence of Virtue"--Faces of Virtue part-3. "
(122) 08.09.21
mp3 Video
"Chap-1-"The Essence of Virtue"--Faces of Virtue part-2."
(121) 03.09.21
mp3 Video
"The essence of Virtue -- What is Virtue or Arete? part-1."
(120) 06.07.21
mp3 Video
"Arguments of truthfulness of claimant Mauood Zaki Ghulam e Massihuzzmaan Abdul Ghaffar Janbah in the revealed words of 20th February 1886 prophecy. part-7."
(119) 01.07.21
mp3 Video
"Like for other prophets, prophecy of 20th Feb 1886 is a prophecy in accordance with the covenant of prophets"
(118) 25.06.21
mp3 Video
"General Arguments of truthfulness of claimant Mauood Zaki Ghulam e Massihuzzmaan Abdul Ghaffar Janbah. part-5."
(117) 23.06.21
mp3 Video
"General Arguments of truthfulness of claimant Mauood Zaki Ghulam e Massihuzzmaan Abdul Ghaffar Janbah. part-4. "
(116) 21.06.21
mp3 Video
"General Arguments of truthfulness of claimant Mauood Zaki Ghulam e Massihuzzmaan Abdul Ghaffar Janbah. part-3."
(115) 20.06.21
mp3 Video
"General Arguments of truthfulness of claimant Mauood Zaki Ghulam e Massihuzzmaan Abdul Ghaffar Janbah. part-2."
(114) 02.06.21
mp3 Video
"Arguments of truthfulness of claimant Mauood Zaki Ghulam e Massihuzzmaan Abdul Ghaffar Janbah from the Holy Quran. part-1."
(113) 29.05.21
mp3 Video
"Hakmo Adal Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad´s (as) claim of Massih Mauood and its reality."
(112) 28.05.21
mp3 Video
"Golden teachings and preachings of Hakam o Addal Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) about prophecies."
(111) 18.05.21
mp3 Video
"Instead of one personality "Ghulam" and "boy" are two personalities."
(110) 11.05.21
mp3 Video
"Mistake of interpretation by prophets and how Allah the Exalted One corrects such a mistake wisely."
(109) 09.05.21
mp3 Video
"A few realities regarding the prophecy of the sign of mercy(Zaki Ghulam i.e. Muslih MauoodÛ”"
(108) 29.04.21
mp3 Video
"Mutual likeness and similarity in Moosvi and Mohammadi religious series."
(107) 26.04.21
mp3 Video
"In Ummat e Mohammadiyya Mohammadi Zaki Ghulam has the equal dignity and position as Moosvi Zaki Ghulam i.e a Prophet and Messenger for Bani Israiel."
(106) 08.04.21
mp3 Video
"If a follower of an idolatory faith of physical Living Isa Ibne Maryam can be an appointed of Allah and an Ummati Prophet then why can not a follower of a Fornicator, a Liar and a fake Khalifa be an appointed of Allah, Zaki Ghulam e Masihuzzaman (part 3)."
(105) 03.04.21
mp3 Video
"If a follower of an idolatory faith of physical Living Isa Ibne Maryam can be an appointed of Allah and an Ummati Prophet then why can not a follower of a Fornicator, a Liar and a fake Khalifa be an appointed of Allah, Zaki Ghulam e Masihuzzaman (part2)."
(104) 01.04.21
mp3 Video
"If a follower of an idolatory faith of physical Living Isa Ibne Maryam can be an appointed of Allah and an Ummati Prophet then why can not a follower of a Fornicator, a Liar and a fake Khalifa be an appointed of Allah, Zaki Ghulam e Masihuzzaman."
(103) 21.03.21
mp3 Video
"Aamir Faisal Sahib an arbiter should be a pious, just, impartial person with a kind intention."
(102) 16.03.21
mp3 Video
"An important and necessary message from humble Abdul Ghaffar Janbah to respected Ameer Faisal Sahib."
(101) 08.03.21
mp3 Video
"Some believers being believers are not truly believers and they do not believe in Allah and the last day from the heart."
(100) 30.12.20
mp3 Video
"A prayer, which is taught by God Almighty, is always accepted."
(99) 23.12.20
mp3 Video
"Can the one who visits French semi naked clubs for amusement be like Hadhrat Massih e Mauood (as) in beauty and benevolence??"
(98) 21.12.20
mp3 Video
"Mirza Bashiruddin Maehmood Ahmad made a false claim of being Musleh Maud on the basis of self-made Ilhams and his jugular vein was severed."
(97) 16.12.20
mp3 Video
"Reality of the revelation "
(96) 04.11.20
mp3 Video
"The tricks of Qabrastani Jamaat to cast doubt on the incidence of cutting jugular-vein of a liar Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud."
(95) 15.10.20
mp3 Video
"A last warning to Akram Mahmood & Khalid Wasti."
(94) 07.10.20
mp3 Video
"The complete silence after being unable to reply regarding the already born ghulam."
(93) 01.10.20
mp3 Video
"The zaki ghulam, whose glad tidings have been given to Mirza sahib in Chillah Hushiyarpoor, can not be the biological son of him."
(92) 29.09.20
mp3 Video
"By falsely claiming to be the promised Musleh Maoud Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad made his father also a liar."
(91) 27.09.20
mp3 Video
"In contrast to great scholars always ordinary, pitiful and little educated people are honored by God"
(90) 23.09.20
mp3 Video
"By no means Allah gave the promised Zaki Ghulam (Musleh Mauod) to Mohammadi Maryam Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) as his biological son."
(89) 01.09.20
mp3 Video
"By accusing the prophet Mohammad (sas) with false allegations and disgracing the Holy quran, Zahid Khan himself is calling the fire towards him."
(88) 31.08.20
mp3 Video
"Reality of the quotation relating to deserving death."
(87) 29.08.20
mp3 Video
"Claimant of prophethood Zahid Ali Khan has run away from debate and Mubahila."
(86) 23.06.20
mp3 Video
"Freedom for all , Slavery for none...What is meant by this slogan??(Part-1)"
(85) 20.05.20
mp3 Video
" The reality of a bundle of lies named as "RAH e HAQ".(Part-2)"
(84) 19.05.20
mp3 Video
"The reality of a bundle of lies named as "RAH e HAQ".(Part-1)"
(83) 06.05.20
mp3 Video
"According to the prophecy of the Holy Prophet Hadhrat Mohammad (saw )Imam Mahdi and Massih Isa Ibne Maryam are two different persons."
(82) 16.04.20
mp3 Video
"The believers are always in minority and and the misguided ones in majority."
(81) 10.04.20
mp3 Video
"What should Zaki Ghulam debate with the hired ponies of Jamaat Ahmadiyya?"
(80) 03.04.20
mp3 Video
"According to the prophecy of the prophet Muhammad(saw) regarding the coming of Messiah Isa Ibne Maryam (Jesus), only an ummati person can come as Messiah Isa Ibne Maryam."
(79) 31.03.20
mp3 Video
"Ummati prophets and messengers will be sent till the day of judgement."
(78) 30.03.20
mp3 Video
"Corona Virus is the same Promised Germ of earth which is a Sign of descendent of Massih Isa son of Mohammadi Maryam."
(77) 24.03.20
mp3 Video
"God the Exalted punishes the people when they boldly falsify His Messengers."
(76) 20.02.20
mp3 Video
"10 reasons or arguments to falsify the claim of Musleh Maud of Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad."
(75) 09.02.20
mp3 Video
"Jamaat Ahmadiyya Mahmood is a denier of the writings and revelations of Hakm o Adal Massih e Mauood Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as)."
(74) 04.02.20
mp3 Video
" God the Exalted does not appoint or commission men in order to revive or reform in the leadership or supervision of earthly Pharaohs (Part 2). "
(73) 02.02.20
mp3 Video
"God the Exalted does not appoint or commission men in order to revive or reform in the leadership or supervision of earthly Pharaohs."
(72) 01.02.20
mp3 Video
"11 glad tidings have killed jewish Dr Yahya and his jewish and unprincipled Jamaat Ahmadiyya."
(71) 20.01.20
mp3 Video
"The cat will come out of the bag when we will talk face to face sitting together."
(70) 14.01.20
mp3 Video
"The difference between the Revelation and the writing of Hadhrat Massih e Mauood (as) and their comparative analysis."
(69) 11.01.20
mp3 Video
"Nonsense of 2 quotations or 2 missiles presented by ignorant Dr Yahya of Khatme Nabuwat Group."
(68) 18.12.19
mp3 Video
"Mahmoodi Satani system snatches the dress of Taqwa from innocent ahmadies likewise Iblees snatched the clothes of Hadhrat Adam (as) and his wife."
(67) 16.12.19
mp3 Video
"Lecture 67-Zaki Ghulam was named as Muslih Mauood (Part 3.3) "
(66) 16.12.19
mp3 Video
"Sign of mercy i.e. promised Zaki Ghulam was named as a Muslih Mauood by Mohammadi Maryam Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as).(Part-3.2) "
(65) 16.12.19
mp3 Video
"Sign of mercy i.e. promised Zaki Ghulam was named as a Muslih Mauood by Mohammadi Maryam Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as).(Part-3.1)"
(64) 08.12.19
mp3 Video
"Sign of mercy i.e. promised Zaki Ghulam was named as a Muslih Mauood by Mohammadi Maryam Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as).(Part-2)"
(63) 09.10.19
mp3 Video
"The deception of nine years duration created about the birth of Zaki Ghulam and its revival."
(62) 31.08.19
mp3 Video
"Strange resemblances and non-resemblances between the bondage of Kashmiri and Ahmadi brothers."
(61) 28.08.19
mp3 Video
"Which three tasks the Government and people of Pakistan have to do urgently for the salvation of oppressed Kashmiries??"
(60) 25.08.19
mp3 Video
"Pakistan has to fight a decisive and satisfactory war for the salvation of oppressed Kashmiries (Part-2) "
(59) 21.08.19
mp3 Video
"Pakistan has to fight a decisive and satisfactory war for the salvation of oppressed Kashmiries (Part-1)"
(58) 10.04.19
mp3 Video
"Promise of the perfection in Divine Knowledge."
(57) 20.03.19
mp3 Video
"The result of the Mubahila given by so-called Omar Farooq."
(56) 20.02.19
mp3 Video
"The fraud of Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad regarding the prophecy of Musleh Mauood."
(55) 26.01.19
mp3 Video
"Who exclude members of a Jamaat and boycott them, arrogant and cold hearted people, Oppressors are not venerable persons."
(54) 20.01.19
mp3 Video
"Are not the Qabristani badgers proved fugitives and effeminate by running away from the challenge of Mubahila??"
(53) 14.01.19
mp3 Video
"Who is running away from the orders of Quran-e-Kareem or from an open discussion?"
(52) 12.01.19
mp3 Video
" Worldly success does not prove the rightousness of the believes or faiths of any religious Jamaat (Part 2)."
(51) 05.01.19
mp3 Video
"Worldly success does not prove the rightousness of the believes or faiths of any religious Jamaat."
(50) 02.10.18
mp3 Video
"Tragedy of the punishment of Abu Jahal in our time."
(49) 25.07.18
mp3 Video
"Bravery is not only produced by truthfulness but in fact because of the knowledge of truthfulness."
(48) 21.07.18
mp3 Video
"Our dispute is only about the purity or non purity of M Bashiruddeen Mehmood Ahmed and not about the characters of others."
(47) 06.05.18
mp3 Video
"A quick look at the life of Ghulam e Massihuzaman in Pakistan (part-6) "
(46) 17.03.18
mp3 Video
"No doubt Mirzaiet is really a calamity of Damascus."
(45) 28.02.18
mp3 Video
" A quick look at the life of Ghulam e Massihuzaman in Pakistan (part-5) "
(44) 26.02.18
mp3 Video
"A quick look at the life of Ghulam e Massihuzaman in Pakistan (part-4) "
(43) 13.02.18
mp3 Video
"A quick look at the life of Ghulam e Massihuzaman in Pakistan (part-3)"
(42) 07.02.18
mp3 Video
"A quick look at the life of Ghulam e Massihuzaman in Pakistan (part-2). "
(41) 01.02.18
mp3 Video
"A quick look at the life of Ghulam e Massihuzaman in Pakistan (part-1)."
(40) 24.01.18
mp3 Video
"Reality of the promised Yousaf of latter days Yaqoob Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as)."
(39) 21.01.18
mp3 Video
"What is meant by a True Man and his Prayer in the couplet of Mirza Tahir Ahmad??"
(38) 18.01.18
mp3 Video
"Every Messenger severely criticises the false faiths and beliefs in his time."
(37) 11.01.18
mp3 Video
"Zaki Ghulam that is to say Muslih Maud is infact Similar of Mubarak Ahmad."
(36) 02.02.16
mp3 Video
"Debate between JAIP & JAM in the city of Brampton Canada "
(35) 01.02.16
mp3 Video
"A Qadiani Ahmadi Murabi exposed "
(34) 20.01.16
mp3 Video
"Did Hadhrat Mirza Sahib (as) remain silent after the niqah of Mohammadi Begum?? "
(33) 09.08.15
mp3 Video
"Conversation on August 9th 2015"
(32) 26.07.15
mp3 Video
"second Debate between Dr Aamir and Khalid Arif Mohammed"
(31) 22.07.15
mp3 Video
"Debate between Dr Aamir and Khalid Arif Mohammed"
(30) 16.06.15
mp3 Video
"News 108"
(29) 22.04.15
mp3 Video
"English title coming soon"
(28) 13.10.14
mp3 Video
"Debate between Dr Aamir and Moulvi Ansar Raza"
(27) 18.08.14
mp3 Video
"Second Interview with Abdul Sami Zafar "
(26) 17.08.14
mp3 Video
"Interview with Tariq Chohan, To condemn wrong faiths is the duty of a messenger."
(25) 17.08.14
mp3 Video
"Interview with Abdul Sami Zafar, Eye witness report of cutting jugular vein of second caliph."
(24) 14.08.14
mp3 Video
"Contradiction in words and deeds of a lier (Muftri ilal lah)"
(23) 13.01.14
mp3 Video
"Debate between Dr Aamir and Faran Rabbani"
(22) 16.07.13
mp3 Video
"Debate about Paishgoi Musleh Mauood between Dr Aamir and Moulvi Ansar Raza"
(21) 31.07.13
mp3 Video
"Debate about Nabuwat between Dr Aamir and Sultani"
(20) 23.11.12
mp3 Video
"Nazam Hadhrat Abdul Ghaffar Janbah"
(19) 28.10.12
mp3 Video
"Speech of Dr. Muhammed Aamir, Covenant of Phrophets & a few thoughtful dreams"
(18) 03.09.12
mp3 Video
"Lecture by Hadhrat Abdul Ghaffar Janbah, Second Manifestation & Divine expedience in the example of Abu Bakr(ra)"
(17) 16.08.12
mp3 Video
"Lecture by Hadhrat Abdul Ghaffar Janbah, Appreance of a Mujaddid in accordance with alterations & mischiefs"
(16) 06.06.12
mp3 Video
"Lecture by Hadhrat Abdul Ghaffar Janbah, Reality of programme Rahe-huda & lies and Cheatings of Jamaati moulvies"
(15) 30.09.10
mp3 Video
"Testimony of Ghulam-e-Massihuzaman by Caliph IV-Part 2/2"
(14) 30.09.10
mp3 Video
"Testimony of Ghulam-e-Massihuzaman by Caliph IV-Part 1/2"
(13) 01.09.10
mp3 Video
"Resemblance between Israeli Ibn-e-Maryam & Mohammadi Ibn-e-Maryam"
(12) 27.08.10
mp3 Video
"Egression of Dajjal,appreance of Massih Ibne Maryam&Disasters"
(11) 24.08.10
mp3 Video
"Are Mahdi & Massih the same person?"
(10) 29.04.10
mp3 Video
"Mulaqat - 9"
(9) 24.04.10
mp3 Video
"Mulaqat - 8"
(8) 24.04.10
mp3 Video
"Mulaqat - 7"
(7) 23.04.10
mp3 Video
"Mulaqat - 6"
(6) 23.04.10
mp3 Video
"Mulaqat - 5"
(5) 23.04.10
mp3 Video
"Mulaqat - 4"
(4) 23.04.10
mp3 Video
"Mulaqat - 3"
(3) 23.04.10
mp3 Video
"Mulaqat - 2"
(2) 23.04.10
mp3 Video
"Mulaqat - 1"
(1) 08.04.10
mp3 Video